
Morex Custom Contest

Morex Custom Contest

1st edition

On Sunday October 10, our very first MOREX CUSTOM CONTEST took place under the sign of creativity and love of mechanics. A successful first edition which brought together more than fifty participants in the election of the most beautiful custom motorcycle and hundreds of visitors to our "House" in Rennes.

How the day went

It's 9:30 a.m. on this foggy Sunday in October when the first motorcycles begin to arrive in our parking lot, which is totally empty for the occasion. More than fifty motorcycles have registered in recent weeks and our garden is waiting for them...

After a few months of opening and a festive and musical summer, the "House", home of our brand is preparing to host its very first event organized around creativity and the love of mechanics. What a pride to receive one by one the enthusiasts and their bikes, all the result of an infinity of hours of work, galleys, reflection to achieve this result: unique pieces and all different from each other.

It's 11:30 a.m., the sun has risen and our garden is now filled with motorcycles of a wide variety of styles: Chopper, Café racer, Scrambler, Bratstyle… A multitude of genres for motorcycles all unique in the image of their owner. Visitors are starting to arrive, our car park sees a crowd of amateurs coming to visit us in vintage cars and motorcycles. They wander in our garden in the middle of the customs of the participants in the contest.

2:00 p.m., the competition begins. The passionate manufacturers follow one by one and explain in turn their vision of custom motorcycles and the way in which they made their machine unique. Joan, one of the founders of the brand, speaker for the occasion, highlights every detail and questions the competitors about their work. The stage is very varied, the exchanges fascinating, the public shows up and votes by the “applaudometer”.


After lively and difficult debates, the jury finally deliberates: it is Brice Le Frapper and his 1993 Harley sportster 883 who win. A totally unique model on which each piece has been taken. A work of craftsmanship for this little gem which, among other things, required more than 70 hours of painting for this extraordinary result. At Morex, the Chopper has a very special place in our hearts since the first motorcycle made by the brand ten years ago was a 1340 Harley chopper still on display in our shop.

In second place, Pierre Camacho and his totally unrecognizable 1977 1000 Hironhead won unanimous support. More than a mechanic, Pierre is a real magician who has performed several strokes of genius on his motorcycle, including installing a Weber carburetor from an Alfa Romeo car... Finally, on the third step of the podium, Thierry Leray wins for his remarkable work. A beautiful story of transmission for this enthusiast who has never counted his hours of work, sharing and teaching with his children and nephews. Special note for the jury's favourite: Loïc Bébin who presented his 1953 125 Terrot, a real challenge for this young manufacturer with a very tight budget for this bike that had always been sleeping in the family garage.

The day ends in music with the rock group Tacos Dream followed by a fiery DJ Set by the talented DJ Ordoeuvre, vice world scratch champion. A successful first edition that portends great years to come...

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